Thursday, 6 February 2014


 Sergey Frolakov

From time to time I would like to share with you my enthusiasm for individual artists who are part of that younger generation of Surrealists- many of whom are rapidly acquiring international recognition

My choice this month is Sergey Frolakov

 It is clear from the above painting that Frolakov draws inspiration from medieval art, not least  the extraordinary inventions of  Hieronymous Bosch (1450-1516) whose Garden of Earthly Delights is a 16th Century masterpiece

It is also clear that Frolakov is his own man whose dazzling technique serves his equally inventive art majestically - as in the above triptych

I must confess know very little about this artist, other than that he is Russian and has exhibited recently in Paris and Brussels yet his talent is clearly one we should watch over the next few years

European Surrealism is going through something of a renaissance at the moment. 

This is partly due to new technologies feeding into Fantasy art but also because in Eastern Europe and Russia there is a  tradition still  within art schools for teaching drawing - something that has almost vanished in many western art colleges

 These are not computer-generated images but good old-fashioned oil on canvas paintings, each one revealing Frolakov's brilliant technique and wild, surreal imagination

For more works by this artist, click on the link below

Please note that there are no titles attached to these wonderful paintings so I am unable to tell you what they are called!

Mike Healey

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