Saturday, 17 September 2016

The Rio Mural

Coverage of the Rio games has produced its fair share of superlatives in recent weeks
Here  is one particular claim that caught my eye

The above image is a detail from a vast mural that some claim to be the largest in the world
It's the work of graffiti artist 'Kobra'

Kobra - who is 40 and comes from San Paulo - only began work on his vast  (30,000 square feet) mural two months ago!

He used 100 gallons of white paint, 400 gallons of coloured paint and 3,500 cans of spray paint

It represents figures from five continents, thereby reflecting the ethnic and cultural diversity of those taking part in the Olympic and Paralympic games

Although this is NOT the largest mural ever (that's in Colorado, USA - 16,554.8 square meters) it IS the largest painted by a single individual

It is also very fine work indeed - certainly one of the best murals I have ever seen
Nice one, 'Kobra'

Mike Healey

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